caution, its a LONG post.
anyways listen.
oi kental, heres my story.
BPFC jalan rayer turned out well.
bpfc plus nis, aisah, siti & zaiba.
me maria and siti bby met at 10.30
and the last person arrived at 12.30
then, dont knw who's house to go first all.
and it was really badly planned.
however, it was motherfucking fun.
each house has its own funny things happened.
ALOTTTTT of pictures were taken with wintz camera.
(until no more batt when after the first house.)
will upload pics when i have them(:
thanks to em and frank for the jln rayer!
it was very veryy fun!
jalan rayer pictures.
not much though.

my bestest bestest friend siti bby.
her in my shades, and me in zaibs shades.

frank bby. me in her shades!
aight thats abt it. HAHHAA.
k nvm, on friday was the last day of exams.
feels weird though not getting kanchong to study.
anyways, met nadia and fishy darlings at bus stop
and made our way to ehub!
bus ride was terribly funny.
with wintz, and isca being so weirdly random.
wintz, darina and azlyn went their own way.
and me, nana, isca, maria, fishy, nadia
went to book movie tickets.
then went to macdonalds.
OMG. macdonalds at downtown is always the place
where everything is sooo funny.
goodness gracious.
i should not say it here but.
here's a clue.
k done.
after that was the movieeee.
house bunny!
the show was okaee
not THAT funny.
except when she starts saying ppl's name in that voice.
maria laugh the whole cinema can hear sia.
nana says that
in the show,
mona before the makeover look so hot.
she's right sia.
me and nana had the couple seat
which was super cool.
k then, slack3
went to fishy's aunts home
and went homeeee.
thats about it.
ntg says better to spend after-exams day
with my bunch of bbys!
*jumps for joyyyyy*
these pictures are taken by maria's new phonee.
(cheyyy cheyyy, cyber shot kepeee maria?)
(p.s alhamdulilahh dapat phone baru & FINALLY!)

clearrr kepe? isca and mona.

mona and fishyy.
(she makes me trip so terok-ly that i look like im tap-dancing)

mona and nadia.
(her eyes is blueyy blueee)
sunday is such a sleeping day.
woke up at 1pm after the house alarm/siren set off
at 3 am.
gooodness gracious.
kakak was like shouting and shouting.
and the phone kept ringing.
smth happened though.
kakak: monaa, how to turn off the alarm?
monaa: (tido mati) ah?
kakak: alarmm, how to off?
monaa: oh, increase the temp, then the air con press night setback.
kakak: HUH? what aircon all?
monaa: ya.
mariaa: (look at me) and laugh.
rule number one babeh,
dont talk to me when i am asleep.
i dont knw what i am talking also.
my kakak-kakak all so mean laugh at me.
enough joke.
tmrw whole school tk de class
beh 3.2 3.3 3.4 got class.
elective module tating arh.
k bbye.